Friday, March 24, 2006

Woof Woof!!

Is your dog a talker? Does he/she make funny talking noises? Does he/she growl? Does he/she howl? The University of Sussex is conducting a dog vocalization study. They are trying to figure out what all of the different vocalizations mean. The study is headed by student, Anna M. Taylor of the Centre for Mammal Vocal Communication Research at the Department of Psychology at the University of Sussex. This is too interesting!! I received this information in my Schipperke list serve this morning. Bear ALWAYS has made all of these interesting little noises. He's the first dog that I've owned that does this. After he came to the house, the other dogs started doing it too. What a power of persausion he has. Anyway, they are looking for unique vocal characteristics from different breeds. They have posted a survey on their website and have invited dog owners from around the world to participate. I've entered all of Bear's information. I think the results of this study will be fascinating! To participate in the survey, click HERE. Even though they are only taking vocal recording samples of dogs living in England, they hope to expand the project. The have a very interesting forum board that is open to anyone that would like to join. Maybe through studies like this, we can figure out what our canine friends are trying to tell us.

1 comment:

Kat Coble said...

Quinn talks all the time (Eskies and skippers are relatively similar).

I've gotten to where I can tell what he's saying most of the time.

1. There's someone walking or driving down our street! Make them stop!

2. Don't you take my chewtoy, brother!

3. Give me some cheese, you ignorant human scum!

4. The Jack Russell Terriers next door are outside and playing. I love them and hate them. Why can't I play with them, too? Oh, look! There's the cat! I hate the cat! Go away, Cat! Go Away!

5. Play with me, slave!