Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Things That Make Me Happy

Since I seem to have a bit of writer's block lately, I thought I'd try out this idea. So here goes:

Things That Make Me Happy This Week

1. Getting to take my lunch break with my husband.

2. Talking to my Mom everyday.

3. Sitting on the couch at night thinking, "My feet are cold" only to have Fergie stretch out on top of them 2 mintues later.

4. Sitting on the couch with Fergie warming my feet, Bear in my lap, Slate hanging over my shoulder, and Shiloh sitting beside me.

5. Lucy's soothing purrrrrrrrrr in the middle of the night.

6. Getting to swim every afternoon with a group of good friends.

7. Talking to my best friend on the phone.

8. Having dinner with a really good friend who makes me laugh.

9. My 501st friends.

10. Scheduling a little vacation for my anniversary this year.

What has made you happy this week?

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