Friday, August 19, 2005

What Have I Forgotten?

Have you ever had one of those days that when you get up you are already out of sorts? I believe my mother used to say, up on the wrong side of the bed?" I'm not in a bad mood, but I'm uber nervous today. I'm all discombobulated (or however it's spelled) and very nervous. The thing is, I have no idea why. I went over my mental list before I left today. Nope, didn't forget anything. Got my watch. Brushed my teeth. What could it possibly be? Is there some deadline or major thing that I was supposed to have gotten done? If there was, I certainly can't think of it. I can't really think of anything that should be stressing me out. I haven't slept very well this past week. I've been restless and unable to relax. Maybe this is just a manifestation of the past week. I guess it could be because I'm not really on my regular schedule. Maybe I'm getting too much caffeine. I've been really drinking a lot of coffee lately. By a lot, I mean that I'm having more than my usual weekend cup. I feel like I could swim about a billion laps right now. Hopefully, I'll settle down in a bit. Maybe I'll put on some music. That usually seems to help. I think I need a walk as badly as Bear does this week. It's been rainy most all week in the afternoons, and when it hasn't been raining, it's been TOO hot to get out. I miss it. He misses it. We're both antsy. Hopefully, I can put an end to that today.

There's just not a whole lot going on for the weekend. Casey's last shift at the game store is Saturday. Because it's inventory weekend, he'll work most of the night Saturday night. I'm not sure what we'll get into Sunday. We may come over to campus and spend some time at the pool. I'd really like to get to the movies this weekend. The drive in is out because of Casey's work schedule, so we'll have to do matinees this go round. There are several movies that I'd really like to see before they are gone. Tomorrow is Murfreesboro Parks and Recreation Department's Dog Days of Summer . I attended last year and really had a great time and won some great prizes. Jennie said that I can take a couple hours off tomorrow and go if I want. I'd really like to take Bear. I'm not sure if I'll go, since gas is so high. I hate to make an extra trip that far in, when it's not necessary. We'll see. Wow, this post is quite disjointed isn't it?

Now that I've rambled for quite a while, I'll give you all an interesting doggie tidbit.

Image hosted by
John Walker

Dogs are not only allowed into the Bau House Cafe in Seoul, they are encouraged to make themselves at home.

There's a cool dog friendly cafe in Seoul, South Korea. Dogs, cats, and their owners are all welcome at this cafe. If you're out shopping and would like for your dog to have some refreshment, you can leave him here. Click HERE to hear the full story and see a slide show on NPR.

Everyone have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lookie at that beagel:) I just love that pets are being included more and more. Now for that antsy feeling. Mine NEED a walk and so do I! Just been too hot lately. Also working extra hours at work. Kids start school so it is going to get even worse for the poochies and their daily exercise:(