Thursday, August 25, 2005

Thank You!

Thanks to everyone who did blog posts of their own, e-mailed, signed the petition, and commented on yesterday's post. A very special thanks to Brittany at Nasvhille Is Talking, for picking up this information and posting it for all of middle Tennessee to read!! It is really appreciated. I just checked the petition this morning. The signatures now number over 4,000! What a difference a day can make. This story is making big news. I've had many people e-mail me and tell me of incidents that took place like this in their own towns. The scary part is this: a lot of these people they were telling me about were later arrested for commiting heinous crimes against humans. This is a big warning sign folks. There is DEFINITELY a connection between animal cruelty and violent crime. It's time elected officials took notice of this. For more information about the link between animal abuse and crime, visit the The American Humane Association's web site or click HERE. Again, thanks to everyone for all of your help. Hopefully, we can see to it that these dogs did not die in vain.

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