Friday, November 18, 2005


Nothing monumental to report, I'm afraid. I am finally feeling better. I just still get tired at night. I've spent the better part of today making a blog template for the holiday season. It's totally different from anything that I've ever done. I'm just now able to read and understand enough html to make these kinds of changes. So, I hope that you guys like it. I'll be unveiling it the Monday after Thanksgiving.

Casey and I are going to have a really greasy, calorie infested, yummy supper tonight. We are going to a little local place called Pawbowski's Dog House. I'd give a link, but I've either misspelled the name OR they don't have a website yet. They pride themselves on serving the best chilli dogs, corn dogs, and Chicago dogs in the area. Since I've been really good with my eating this week, I feel that I'm entitled. We may or may not do a little shopping. We at least have to go back and swap Casey's cell phone out. We both got new phones a couple of weeks ago. Casey's model is so new, that it keeps having problems. We've gone through 2 in 2 weeks, so far. Gotta run.

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