Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving!!

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Well, it's that time folks! It's time for us to start the holiday season! I'll be wrapping up work today, and I'll be off to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family. We are having lunch with my mom and my brother. We are going to this little local cafe called Pope's Cafe. It's on our square, and it opened in 1945. It's recently been taken over by new owners, and let me tell you, the food is FANTASTIC!! It's the closest thing to my mama's own home cooking, that I've ever had out. They are serving ham, turkey, 8-10 different vegetables, breads, desserts, and drinks! We are all going to just kick back and enjoy. In the afternoon, we are going over to visit Casey's family and eat dinner. So, it's the biggest Thanksgiving celebration that we've had in several years. I'm sure that someone will have to roll us home, after all of that eating. Because of Casey's past job, he never had holidays off. So this is the first year, since we've been married, that we will get to spend the holidays together. And let me tell you, I'm excited!

And now for my list:

Things I'm Thankful For

1. My family.

2. My friends.

3. My pets.

4. My home.

5. Enough money to pay the bills.

6. My job.

7. My health.

8. My happiness.

9. My hobbies that make me happy.

10. All of the small blessings that God sends to me every day!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Roberto Iza Valdés said...
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T said...

Cute picture. I also had a thanskgiving blog today on things I am thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving from a random stranger!