Saturday, November 12, 2005

Looking Back

It's been a fairly relaxed day today. Not much going on. I've been working on a few projects, and trying to make progress to finish big ones before the holidays. For some reason, I've been thinking a lot about Christmas today. So much so, that I actually listened to a couple of Christmas tunes. I was also fondly remembering my family gathering from last year. Many of you know, that I received one of my best presents EVER last year (flashback from HERE):

I got, what I consider, the best gift this Christmas. My cousin, Ruth, gave me a picture of my grandmother, when she was a young girl. I'm the product of older parents, so I'd NEVER seen a picture of my grandmother at such a young age. Not many of my family had either. So, imagine my suprise when she brought that wonderful, antique picture in and then bequeathed it to me!! The picture was taken around 1910 or so, and it is absolutely lovely! I just cried when I finally figured out that she'd given it to me!! It's one of the best presents that I've ever received.

It has taken me quite a while, but I've finally managed to get that picture in digital format to share with you all. Here it is:

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My mother's mother, Allie Elsie Nichols Baucom

After looking at it for the past year, I'm awfully proud to say that I actually DO see some resemblance. My mother is nearly a perfect carbon copy of my grandmother. I especially resemble them both through my nose and mouth. It still just amazes me that I am a direct decendant of such a past. As I said earlier my parents were older, when I came along. So, my grandmother was old enough to be my great grandmother. It still boggles my mind that she was born in 1894. She is around 16 years of age in that picture. It was probably made shortly before, or just shortly after she married my grandfather. It really is one of my most cherished heirlooms. This morning, I ordered copies of the photo to give back to my cousin Ruth, who gave the picture to me. I had enough made for all of the cousins in the family too. I just hope that they like it as much as I do.

Everyone have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Your grandmother was simply beautiful. And yes, your mother is a carbon copy of her!! I'm so glad you have that picture. Old pictures are so sweet!