Saturday, June 25, 2005

When Distance Separates

It's finally Saturday!!! My most favorite day of the week. I'm happy and excited today, but today is a bittersweet occassion for me. You see, Melissa, one of my very best friends has made the decision to move back home where she grew up. I can completely understand her decision. I would hate to be so far away from my home and especially my family. While I'm very happy that she's going to be happy, I'm sad for me at the same time. I know that I'm going to miss her horribly! Melissa is one of those friends where you can truly be yourself ALL OF THE TIME. One of those wonderful, non-judgemental friends that loves you no matter what. She has the most wonderful sense of humor. During times when I'm down, I can always talk to her and visit with her and end up laughing (most of the time at myself!). She's a fabulous, caring person that means the world to me. Tonight Melissa, Casey, and I are going out for a last night of fun together. We are planning on heading over to Tullahoma to have some great Mexican food and drinks. Afterwards, we are going on out to one of my favorite places...yes here it comes...the drive-in!! I have no idea what we'll see. My beloved Star Wars: Episode III has left the drive-in after a long and happy run. I'm taking the camera with me, so we can make A LOT of pictures. I'm sure we'll be having so much fun that the pictures will be hilarious!! I'm sure that I'll look at those pictures a lot in the coming months. Hopefully, Melissa and I will keep in close touch. We talk to each other nearly every day now, so I don't see why that would change. We are already thinking up excuses to visit each other in the future. So, goodbye Melissa. I love you and I will no doubt miss you, but I hope most that you will be happy. Remember me down here in Tennessee!

I'm planning to hopefully hit the pool on Sunday. I'm definitely out of practice and out of shape, but you just gotta start somewhere. I've decided to start nice and easy with just some kickboard work. I know that I won't be able to stay out very long. The heat is just searing here, and the ozone warnings are out especially early. Besides, I've not really been out in the sun once this summer, and I don't won't to have that nice lobstery hue come Monday. I'll just really have to watch myself and be extra careful. It will be something nice to do to occupy my time, while Casey's at work on Sunday.

Jennie called me earlier in the week to let me know, ahead of time, that we are going to have a slamming day on Monday at the kennel. We've been booked solid now for the last couple of weeks, and it shows no sign of letting up soon. We are so full, in fact, that we have had to turn clients away for the week of July 4th. Jennie and I made the executive decision to be closed on July 4th, so we could enjoy the holiday too! I'm kind of dreading Monday a little bit, but not for the reasons you may think. I'm dreading it because it is supposed to be so incredibly hot! We spend a lot of time outside working with the dogs, and weather like this just zaps me and the dogs. I'll take plenty of water and wear cool clothes. Hopefully, that will help.

Mom is doing wonderfully after her surgery. It looks like she'll be back to her old self in no time. She's got an appointment with her surgeon on Tuesday so her progress can be checked. They are also going to discuss maybe doing surgery on her other eye. This one went so well, that she can hardly wait to have the other done. I'm so proud that everything worked out for her.

That's all from me for now. Sorry that I tended to ramble on today. I hope everyone has a great weekend!!

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