Saturday, October 02, 2004

Saturday, Saturday!!

Finally, the end of the work week has come for me. There's definitely not anything on the agenda for today. It's absolutely raining buckets outside. I suppose that's o.k., because we haven't had any rain since those downpours from Ivan 3 weeks ago. Things are starting to get pretty dusty around here. After the rain moves on, we are supposed to get our first real taste of fall. Cool days in the 60's and nights in the low 40's and upper 30's. I always think it's exciting when the seasons begin to change. I look forward to the holidays and snow. I guess it's time to make up my preliminary holiday shopping list. Other than just daydreaming, there's not much else going on with me. I plan to do my usual weeknd thing, clean on the house and watch the Titans play. Monday, Casey and I are planning on having a day out and doing a little shopping. I'm really looking forward to that.

Even though I'm boring today, there are a lot of dog related events going on in surrounding areas. Nashville Humane Association is having their Dog Days in the Park at Centennial Park today. It's a little far to travel to during my lunch hour. I'm sorry that I have to miss it. There's also a couple of Blessings of the Animals going on at local churches today. One is right in my own hometown at the Episcopal Church. Unfortunately, it's at 2 p.m., so I won't be able to go and take all of my brood. The other is going on in Nashville at Christ Church Cathedral. Both of these events celebrate St. Francis of Assissi, the Patron Saint of Animals. It definitely sounds like an experience and a lot of fun. Hopefully, I'll be able to attend next year. I hope that everyone has a fabulous weekend!

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