Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Starving for Dinner

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The weekend was pretty dull around my neck of the woods. We continued to see snow flurries up until yesterday morning. Casey and I just lounged on the couch all day Sunday, like hibernating bears. We couldn't get motivated to do one thing! So, we just watched movies all day. Yesterday, I finally got everything left back in order from the water heater malfunction. So, we are back to normal, for now....

Casey is taking me out for a really nice Valentine's dinner tonight. We are going to a little local Italian place called Marina's. They always have something extra special going for Valentine's. They have a special tonight that includes appetizers, entrees, and dessert or wine. I'm sure I'll have to get someone to wheel me to the car afterwards. That's why I'm trying to eat really light all day today. I really want to enjoy tonight. Casey was so sweet and made reservations for this weeks ago. It was nice to know that he wants me to enjoy my night. I'll let you all know how it goes tomorrow. Everyone have a great day!

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