Friday, February 11, 2005

Oh! The Bright Light!!!

It seems that someone in the heavens has heard my plea for help. Today it is wonderfully sunny outside. It's supposed to be that way tomorrow too. Even though I have to work, I'm determined to enjoy them anyway. I'm getting out of the building for lunch today, so that will help.

I forgot to share a funny story with you all yesterday. Day before yesterday was a looooong day for Casey. He had ridden into work with me to take some tests for some jobs where he had put in applications. He managed to do quite well on his typing tests, even 1 handed. He realized by the end of the day, that he'd done a little too much with his arm. By the time we got home Wednesday night, he was VERY uncomfortable with it. He took his meds and complained that they hadn't worked. He doubled up on the anti-inflamatory and broke down and finally took one of his pain pills. Needless to say, he knocked himself loopy! I went in the bedroom to change into my PJ's, and he asked me a question. After I answered him, he looked me square in the eye and said, "You talk to much." At that point he just started rambling and rambling about my endless talking. I had only said one answer in response to his question. He just went on and on about it. It was too hysterical! He was still draggy, when I got in from work yesterday. I secretly think he was trying to put himself into a coma, until his arm is healed. He has another appointment with the orthopedist next Thursday. He's hoping that they will put a short cast on his arm, so he can have his elbow back. I don't think it will happen this quick, but I'll just let him keep on hoping.

All of the animals have just LOVED having Casey at home with them during the days. They have become such a lovey-dovey bunch. It is like trying to undo something with velcro fixtures to get them away from him. I guess it's a good thing that he can pamper them just a little bit.

There's absolutely nothing exciting going on at work today. In fact, I'm trying my best to stay awake. Despite a highly decaffeinated Coke this morning, I'm still feeling sluggish and sleepy. I guess that my 6 day work week has left me a little more tired than usual. I'm sure that I'll be adjusted in just a few weeks. Ah well....everyone have a great day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the animals are doing a little pampering themselves!