Friday, June 22, 2007

Working Pooches

Today is National Take Your Dog To Work Day. So if you have a great boss who likes to have pooches around, load 'em up. I really wish we had an office dog. It would make the days SO much nicer.

I guess I missed the date, since I had to load Bear up and bring him in yesterday. Which by the way, all turned out quite nicely. It was all very minor. He got some creams, antibiotics, and a few other things. Dr. K had noticed Bear's Princess and the Pea syndrome and gave him a VERY mild pain medication. He also gave him some VERY mild Valium, when we told him that Bear shows his discomfort by running at full speed around the house and crashing into things. Dr. K had noticed how sleep deprived we were and said this would help not only Bear but us as well. By the time we got Bear checked out and home, it was mid afternoon. Casey and I were both ready to drop in our tracks. We pilled Bear up, ate a quick lunch, and went to take a nap. Casey had to wake me up at 5 p.m. He knew that I wouldn't sleep any last night, if I kept napping. Needless to say, I feel MUCH better today, and I think Bear does too.

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

I hope everyone is feeling much better!