Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hometown Pride

Well, it seems that Shelbyville has had another 15 minutes of fame to add to the list. A couple years ago, a major motion picture called Our Very Own was shot in town. The story was written by a Shelbyville native. It was so bizarre seeing all of the small town landmarks that I grew up with plastered on the big screen. There have been several music videos shot in Shelbyville over the years. The latest is Miranda Lambert's Famous in A Small Town. It was shot at several different locations in Shelbyville: (one of my personal favorites) Pope's Cafe, the Capri Twin Theatre (where I just recently saw Spiderman 3), Lander's Tire, Shelbyville Central High School, the Bedford County Sheriff's Dept., and several others. The town square that she stands in IS NOT Shelbyville though. Most of the other stuff is in my small hometown. Now, I'm usually not a fan of a lot of country music, but she does a great job with the song. The lyrics really seem to sum up what it's like to live in such a small town your whole life. It seems that Shelbyville is putting itself on the map in more ways than one, after all these years. Even though it's becoming more common, it never ceases to excite me. Click HERE to see the video.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

the town square is lebanon, tn in wilson co. just east of nashville