Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Animal Faces of Rescue

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I came across this link, while reading Puptastic. It's one of the Picture Stories from MSNBC. Click HERE or the picture above to have a look at some of the dogs and other animals rescued during Katrina. It seems obvious to me how much these pets and animals mean to their owners and others in times of crisis. Pets and animals can be such a comfort in times of crisis. Just to stroke an animal has been proven to have a calming effect on blood pressure and many other conditions.


teresa said...

Man, it is so heartbreaking. I hope everyone gives at least a little something. It's so important. It feels like the seams of the world are just bursting with strife and misery. We must remember we can make a difference and must never stop trying. sigh. I have donated a painting on Ebay that 100% of the proceeds will go to the HSUS if you are interested in spreading the word. Take care, Teresa (Hatamaran)

teresa said...

Sorry to bother you again...there is a disturbing report of "shoot to kill" for animals in New Orleans. I do not know if it's real or not, but I'm spreading the word so we can find out...see this post: