Saturday, December 24, 2005

Merry Christmas

I just wanted to take a quick minute to pop in and tell everyone Merry Christmas. I hope that you all get exactly what you want, and that you all have a very Happy New Year. Casey and I have both been off from work this week, but it has been totally wasted. We've both been sick as dogs this week. We did finally manage to get Nick picked up from the vet on Thursday. He's putting on weight really fast and is a world better in just a week. I have him a nice, big Jumbone for a Christmas treat. I'll have new pictures for everyone soon.

Today is the first day that we've felt like doing anything. I drug all around town yesterday, trying to get the last of what little shopping I needed done. It was an absolute mad house. Casey went out today on his own, and I tell you, I didn't envy him at all! We have managed to get all of our gift wrapping done. I've even gotten the dog and cat presents all wrapped and their stockings stuffed as well. They'll be a lot of new woobie love in the house tomorrow.

Again, I hope that everyone has a very Merry Christmas!!

1 comment:

The Mistress of the Dark said...

I hope you were feeling well for the holiday.

hugs to you my friend.