Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Animal Tidbits

It's a rainy day again here. I guess with the sunshine, you get rain every once in a while. Nothing exciting going on for today. Just getting a lot of things done on the work front. I'm going to a conference on Friday, so I'll be away from the post temporarily.

A couple of animal related goodies that I meant to post about yesterday, in all of my non-creativity. The first, April is PREVENTION OF ANIMAL CRUELTY MONTH.

So, be sure to thank all of your local shelter workers, SPCA members, and animal control workers for the hard job that they have to do every day. Also please remember if you see evidence of animal cruelty, PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, report it to the appropriate agency. You could very well save an animal's life by doing so.

A few days ago, I was contacted by the nicest fellow about linking our blogs. So, I went over and checked his blog out. Let me tell you, it is fantastic!! It's called Living With Bengals. It's about his two cats, which one just happens to be a Bengal. The Bengal cat's name is Leela, and she is absolutely gorgeous!! There are some great pictures posted over there as well. So, blog hop on over and check out the Zoo's newest link! I think you'll really like it!

Everyone have a great afternoon!

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