Thursday, January 24, 2008

Busy Today

WOW!! Today has really gotten away from me. I had meant to get a post ready about my newest addition, Molly's, rescue story. It broke my heart, when I first heard it on Monday night. I guess that will have to wait, until tomorrow. For now, I'll share this with you all.

I Adopted Your Dog Today

I adopted your dog today

The one you left at the pound

The one you had for seven years

and no longer wanted around.

I adopted your dog today

Do you know he's lost weight?

Do you know he's scared and depressed

and has lost all faith?

I adopted your dog today.

he had fleas and a cold,

but don't worry none.

You've unburdened your load.

I adopted your dog today.

Were you having a baby or moving away?

Did you suddenly develop allergies or was

there no reason he couldn't stay?

I adopted your dog today.

he doesn't play or eat much

He's very depressed, but

he will learn again to trust.

I adopted your dog today.

And here he will stay.

He's found his forever home

and a warm bed on which to lay.

I adopted your dog today.

And I will give him all that he could need.

Patience, love, security, and understanding.

Hopefully he will forget your selfish deed.

-Author Unknown

1 comment:

Yvonne said...

This makes me so sad I could cry. I have to wait to adopt any more animals but if I could I would have a sanctuary.