Thursday, July 20, 2006

Joining the Crowd

With much protest, gnashing of teeth, and general whining, I've finally created myself a MySpace account. You see, I'm an old fashioned girl. I'm a blogger. I've made many fantastic friends through my blog, and I've become quite loyal to it. Not to mention, I've always felt a little bit "old" for MySpace. About a month ago, Casey's cousin, Andrew, sent me an e-mail with a link to his MySpace address. So, as a way to communicate with him easily in Iraq, I took the plunge. It's only been in this past week, that I've had a chance to play with my profile, view, and other buttons and whistles. Personally, I still don't think it's as user friendly as blog programs and definitely not as explanatory, but I press onward. They have a space on your page to place blogs, but I just crosslinked the "Zoo". Call me lazy, but I don't really want to get into my personal blog on two spaces. I do love all of the premade layouts that you can use. So if you all get a chance, visit me over at the Richardson Zoo MySpace place. There's a little extra trivia about me over there. I'd love to hear my reader's opinions on MySpace. Also, if you have a MySpace account, leave a comment. I'd love to add you to my friend list!


theogeo said...

I'm gonna add you right now!

The Mistress of the Dark said...

I have a profile there as Moodylady, but I never blog there. Mostly I blog on my blogspot and now that I have a paid account, I blog at LJ, which I've come to love alot.

BTW we're trying to schedule a chat with Bernie in ya think you might be able to join in? email me. I doubt I can check any emails until after work, but I'll get back to ya. Life is calming down a bit now