Friday, July 13, 2007

A Good Pit Bull Story

More often than not, Pit Bulls have a bad reputation. I encountered a Pit that made me rethink my idea of the breed. Yesterday as I walked out the back door of my office, I ran into a really nice, sweet Pit that was an assistance dog. He was calmly laying there after leading his master upstairs to do some searching. I didn't speak to or pet him, since he was working. I figure if the dog assistance programs are using some Pits, they can't all be bad. I still go with my gut that a lot of times, the owners cause them to be vicious and disobedient. This Pit was very gentle and loving. He posed no threat to me or anyone else. I guess it's just like people. There are rotten apples in every bunch. Just because we have high jail populations, we don't ban people. When I worked at the kennel, I met my share of nasty dogs of all breeds, large and small. It just goes to show that, "you can't judge a book by its cover."


Yvonne said...

I happen to like Pit Bulls (love the skull bone structure, I just want to put my hands all over it!).

It's people using careless or irresponsible breeding which causes the more dangerous/less desirable traits to appear in any breed.

This Pit Bull is quite an ambassador for his/her breed.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

My niece has a pit
bull and a rottweiller (sp) both are loving animals. I agree with yvonne, it's people that bring about the bad traits through breeding...and through TRAINING.