Wednesday, June 21, 2006


Happy Summer Solstice!! Ah, the first day of summer. I wait for this day all year long. I don't have anything against the other seasons, but summer has ALWAYS been my favorite. I love the fact that we have more daylight hours today than any other day. I just love having lots of daylight, after I get home from work. I like going to work in the sunshine and coming home in the sunshine. I love taking the dogs out at nearly 9 p.m. and having a little light left. I just feel that I have more "me" time in the summer. All winter long, I wait for the first day of spring and warmer weather. In the winter, I feel like a prisoner, and summer is freedom. I LOVE to be outside. Most afternoons, you can find me out at the pool swimming my laps, or out walking the dogs, or just out on the porch visiting with my mother. Once I get off from work, it's very hard for me to stay inside. I just NEED that good dose of fresh air and sunshine everyday. So if you guys need me, I'll be outside.

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