Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Happy Shrove Tuesday!!


Happy Fat Tuesday, Shrove Tuesday, Mardi Gras everyone!! I absolutely LOVE Fat Tuesday!! I know that I'm weird, but it is the lead in to one of my favorite seasons of the year, Lent. Tonight at church, we are have a Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper with pancakes, sausage, gumbo, King Cake, and all of the Mardi Gras fixings! We always have such a good time!



The dogs are even going to have a good Fat Tuesday, when we get home. Casey bought them a pack of Red Hots to split! A coworker brought in a homemade King Cake, so I can't wait to taste it. What are you all doing for Fat Tuesday??

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Swimming 100 Miles for the MS Association!

As you all know, I love to swim and participate on my local United States Masters Team, the MTSU Blue Wave Raiders. I want to swim for all of those affected by MS and their families, but especially for one of my closest friends, Linda. Linda is in the advanced stages of MS, and uses a power chair for her mobility. I have watched her battle and struggle with this devastating disease, and I want to help find a cure for her.

Since 2012 is an Olympic year my goal is to swim 100 miles, before the start of the London games on Friday, July 27, 2012. Help me reach my goal and support the fight for MS!  Please consider making a donation to my cause!!
